Bug Anilist list won't show when trying to fetch it

It's a bug


New member
Steps to Reproduce
Log into anilist account
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When trying to get the anilist list it doesn't show anything. It does show the mal list


Staff member
I notice the issue after removing the existing account and reauthorizing the account with AniList which make it seem like it's not loading. If you exit out and relaunch the app, it seems to load the list. Seems like an intermittent issue on AniList's side.


New member
Even with all these steps it still stays empty for me.
I've tried to remove the account and reauthorize it multiple times.
When I'm using taiga on my pc it loads it without problems, Maybe it's an api issue as my list has over 2k anime entries and around 750 manga entries?


Staff member
Apparently, there is a temporary reduced rate limit on the API..


The API is currently in a degraded state and is limited to 30 requests per minute. This is a temporary measure until the API is fully restored.

This is not currently reflected in the headers. You will notice rate limiting at an X-RateLimit-Remaining value of 60 once you have exceeded the available 30 requests per minute.

I will need to throttle it from the backend for the time being. I hope to get an update pushed out soon, but it will probably take a while since there is probably a lot of things to fix before I can approve the update to the App Store.